Easy & effective acupressure for a stiff & painful neck.

Spending too much time hunching over your phone or computer screen? Do one too many overhead presses at the gym? Sleep with wet hair? Acute neck pain can be debilitating – fortunately, just as it comes on quickly, it can also leave quickly too.

Try these two acupressure points to help reduce pain & improve mobility. This treatment is simple, safe & effective.

Acupressure to reduce pain from teeth grinding (TMJD)

Have you ever woken up with a headache or a painful jaw? Have you noticed that your jaw is sore when you chew or you hear popping or clicking when you open your mouth? These could all be signs that you are grinding your teeth at night. Your dentist can confirm that by the wear and tear on your teeth or misalignment of your jaw.

This video demonstrates a treatment that will help alleviate pain in some of the most commonly effected areas such as the jaw, the temples, the temperomandibular joint, the sternocleidomastoid muscles (SCM) on the neck.

Although this treatment helps treat the branch of the issue, it does not address the root cause. Some helpful tools for eradicating stress is being able to identify the trigger and work to reduce their effects on the mind, body & soul. Carl Jung calls this the shadow work – journaling and analyzing the triggers can help unravel the problem.

Give the treatment a try & let me know what you think!
